Just like stress messes with our brains, research shows that it can also warp the brains of animals. In fact, a new study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience aims ...
Scientists have discovered a brain-boosting supplement that could help aging brains function better. The supplement is the subject is a new study published in Nature Communications, and it relies on ...
Researchers at Purdue University have found a way to make concrete 30 percent stronger. Tests run against the new concrete show it is able to resist bending for longer than ...
Plastic pollution is one of the most defining environmental challenges of our time. Despite efforts to recycle or responsibly dispose of plastic, vast garbage patches in the oceans continue to ...
Iron sulfides, common in ancient hydrothermal vents, may have played a crucial role in creating life on Earth. These minerals could have helped form the basic molecules needed for life, ...
The restorative effects of sleep on the brain are well known, but what happens at the neural level remains a fascinating mystery. A groundbreaking study led by researchers from Rice ...
The term “quantum” has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology. Among the latest innovations are quantum engines—machines that harness the strange principles of quantum mechanics to generate motion. And now researchers ...
As electric vehicles (EVs) grow in popularity, more drivers are learning to navigate the quirks of battery technology. One of the most noticeable challenges is that EV battery performance drops ...
Nuclear fusion holds immense promise as a clean, limitless energy source. But building reactors that can withstand the harsh conditions inside them remains a monumental challenge. Now, though, scientists from ...
Diamonds are often considered symbols of eternal love. However, their potential to preserve information for millions of years might be even more extraordinary. Researchers have recently developed a diamond-based data ...