There is something mysterious about how a coffee bean becomes a commodity. From remote farmsteads and steep hillsides, it finds its way into global markets as a weighed, graded, standardized ...
As Moldovans prepare to go to the polls on Oct. 20, it looks like another round of the familiar geopolitical standoff between Russia and the West over the countries in ...
The United States’ history of using economic sanctions as a means of coercion has not only outraged its adversaries but also upset its friends. Washington’s allies have long been concerned ...
Picture this scenario. It’s 2028, and U.S. intelligence services have assessed that the Chinese military is preparing a full-scale invasion of Taiwan to make good on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ...
Small European states, such as Denmark, face daily the threat of an environmental Armageddon, as dozens of decrepit, single-hulled, barely insured Russian oil tankers wend their way through the narrowest ...
The United States needs militarily strong European allies that are capable of holding Europe’s frontiers in the east and south against the threats of an imperial Russia and unstable North ...
Stepping directly into American domestic politics, the European Union demanded Monday that X owner Elon Musk abide by Brussels’ speech restrictions during his planned uncensored interview with Donald Trump. “I ...
Fifteen years ago, when Europe went through a financial crisis, an economic depression, and a euro crisis, most political fights between European countries were about money. As a result, a ...
The recent elections to the European Parliament and French National Assembly shook the political landscape in Europe. Though the European Union’s center has held, its power base has shifted. The ...
Arch-globalist Ursula von der Leyen has been re-elected as the President of the European Commission for a second five-year term by a comfortable margin in the European Parliament on Thursday. ...