The firestorms razing Los Angeles show how quickly wildfires can turn into devastating urban conflagrations. Two fire management experts say there’s a common misunderstanding about how homes ignite under these...
A few months ago, I found myself in an unexpected conversation with a woman whose husband raises cattle in Missouri. She, however, had recently raised and butchered an ostrich for...
We knew to expect winds. When they came on Tuesday morning, sounding like a tsunami crashing over my family’s home in western Malibu, the utility company shut off our power....
Imagine distilling a person’s personality, opinions, and decision-making style into an AI replica. This concept isn’t science fiction—it’s the foundation of a groundbreaking study by Stanford University and Google DeepMind....
The Perseverance rover is building up a stash of rocks on Mars that could contain the first-ever signs of alien life, but NASA is scrambling to figure out how it...
The Palisades and Eaton fires are ripping through parts of Los Angeles and causing mass destruction. Firefighters are still struggling to contain the blazes, which grew rapidly and have continued...
Humanity’s ambition to explore the stars faces a fundamental hurdle: the sheer expanse of space. Even traveling at near-light speeds, reaching our closest stellar neighbor would take over four years....
As Santa Ana winds whipped sheets of embers over the Pacific Coast Highway in Southern California last night, the palm trees along the beach in the Pacific Palisades ignited like...
A major brush fire erupted in the Pacific Palisades, an affluent neighborhood of Los Angeles, in the first hours of a powerful windstorm on Tuesday. The Palisades Fire broke out...