With the 2018 film “Venom,” Tom Hardy locked himself into a three-picture deal, giving his time, talents and torso to this saga about a man named Eddie Brock possessed by...
In May 2003, the photographer Tom Kiefer was living in Ajo, Ariz., an artist’s enclave not far from the U.S.-Mexico border, looking for a job. He had come to Ajo...
With the push of a red button, a milky-colored liquid sprayed onto a load of corn seed at a warehouse in central Missouri. It was a hint of a revolution...
The first thing you learn from “Mexican Prints at the Vanguard” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is that printmaking has been central to Mexico’s art and media since Spanish...
Canada’s westernmost province, British Columbia, is studded with 17,000 miles of coastline and 40,000 islands dispersed across its waters, many of them enchanting destinations on their own. Vancouver, the largest...
Haunted Ever After By Jean DeLuca Visitors often wear out their welcome in tourist spots. But in Boneyard Key, the small Florida town in Jen DeLuca’s HAUNTED EVER AFTER (Berkley,...
Skip next section Germany pledges further aid to Lebanon 10/24/2024October 24, 2024 Germany pledges further aid to Lebanon Germany has said it will give a further €96 million ($103.57 million) in...
EXCLUSIVE: Spring Films, the Emmy-winning and Oscar-nominated British documentary producer, is shutting its doors. Founded by André Singer, the company has filed for liquidation after 18 years of trading. Accountancy...
A new U.S. government report this week shared updated estimates about China’s nuclear buildup, linking it directly to Beijing competing with Washington. The report, the second of its kind since...
NEW DELHI, India— Living in a pollution-free environment is a fundamental right, India’s Supreme Court said Wednesday as it urged authorities to address deteriorating air quality in the north of...