The new “Twisters,” a stand-alone sequel to the 1996 film, has the same kind of giant tornadoes that inspire awe and dread as the original. It follows professional storm chasers...
The Deadpool films have always felt a bit dated. Their brand of humor—snarky, self-referencing, tickled by ironically repurposing pop culture ephemera—feels born of the late 1990s or early 2000s, closer...
Denny Hamlin has once again voiced sharp criticism towards the Next Gen cars, describing them as the “worst cars in NASCAR.” During a tumultuous Brickyard 400 marked by multiple cautions...
All American Season 6 streams on Netflix after finishing its run on the CW last May. Already announced is an upcoming seventh season for the sports drama, where romantic relationships...
The year is 2023. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who played VP Selina Meyer on the 2010s HBO comedy series Veep, visits the White House to meet President Joe Biden and Vice President...
Just call Vice President Kamala Harris the mixtape candidate: First, Charli XCX declared that she “is brat,” mobilizing her neon green-clad sea of Gen Z, voting-age fans for the presumptive...
Licensed college football video gaming is back, baby, and we are having the time of our lives (wonky option controls and all) with EA Sports College Football 25. A follow-up...
One key to a solid passing game in EA Sports College Football 25 is understanding all the throws in your arsenal. But while the lob pass and the bullet pass...
Another Kennedy tied the knot. On Saturday, Mariah Kennedy Cuomo married her longtime partner Tellef Lundevall, who quarantined with the Cuomo family in 2020. Kennedy Cuomo, 29, is Andrew Cuomo...
Serena Page and Kordell Beckham’s love story wasn’t a perfect one. The Love Island USA Season 6 winners started off lukewarm, then exploded with a heated fight. Although they were...