MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama lawmakers on Tuesday approved a ban on Glock switches and other conversion devices that convert semi-automatic weapons into machine guns, after a deadly year that included multiple mass shootings.
pushed the Alabama legislation after several multiple mass shootings last year, including the shooting deaths of four people in September. The devices are already banned under federal law, but there’s currently no state law that bans them.
The Alabama Senate voted 24-2 to accept the House of Representatives changes The measure now goes to Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, who is expected to sign it after in her State of the State address.
“Passing gun safety legislation in Alabama is not easy. But the hard work of building a bipartisan coalition has resulted in the passage of this life-saving legislation,” said state Rep. Phillip Ensler, a Montgomery Democrat, who had urged the measure for three years.
“While laws cannot bring back victims of gun violence, this ban can help save lives moving forward,” he said.
Republican state Sen. Will Barfoot of Pike Road sponsored the bill that was approved this year. Possessing or selling the devices would be a Class C felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
The measure will take effect immediately if it is signed into law.
The devices are banned under federal law and in 23 states, according to Everytown for Gun Safety. Supporters said a state ban will allow local law enforcement to prosecute people for the possession of the devices. Police say the devices produce a rapid, hard-to-control spray of bullets that increase the number of casualties during a shooting.
The bill passed without significant opposition, a rare consensus on gun legislation in the deeply red state. Alabama lawmakers in 2022 voted to end the requirement to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun in public.
Alabama has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the U.S. In 2022, there were 1,278 gun-related deaths in Alabama, which was the fourth-highest in the country, ranking below Mississippi, Louisiana and New Mexico.
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