You may know it by many different names: belly pudge, FUPA, the poosh, a gut, mommy tummy. That area of your lower stomach that sticks out and, in my case at least, makes me look several months pregnant when I slouch (not an exaggeration—a woman once congratulated me on the good news when I was very much without child). It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but, you know, patriarchy and beauty standards have conspired to make us think it’s unattractive. That’s why the Belly Pudge Dress trend is so refreshing. Finally, TikTok isn’t telling is how to change our bodies but embrace them.
The trend is simple: got a drapey formal dress and a non-flat stomach? Combine ’em and shine on. Women all over the app are deciding to “wear the dress anyway” and have a good time without constantly sucking in.
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If you scroll through the app, you’ll see that the trend of embracing your shape isn’t exactly new, but for every “it’s fine to look like this!” video there’s also one showing you how to “lose belly fat” or “hide your stomach.” So, we’ll promote the trend however and whenever it comes up.
However you feel about body positivity, the surge in weight loss medications like Ozempic seems to have ushered us into an era of…well, not that. So it’s nice to see that there’s even a sliver of a corner of the internet that will take you as you are, belly rolls and all. This trend seems like it’s mostly for straight-size women who are a mostly “acceptable” shape by typical standards, but we’ll take the empowerment where we can get it.
Can we do upper arm flab next? Love handles? Having two different-sized boobs? Spring and summer are coming up, which means weddings and beach days. What if this year we wore what we wanted?
The post The Belly Pudge Dress Trend Is Giving Us Faith in Body Positivity appeared first on Glamour.