People across the country have become so invested in the unlikeliest 24/7 camera—one that showcases the birth of baby eagles. Okay, I guess this isn’t the weirdest thing ever considering we’ve all watched some very strange stuff (looking at you, Tiger King).
The latest sensation has been this bald eagle nest located in Southern California. The Big Bear Bald Eagle Cam, as they call it, has captivated viewers with an intimate look at the lives of Jackie and Shadow.
The two birds have become even bigger stars during their nesting season. The family expanded by two on March 3 and 4, which was a riveting moment for the live-feed crew.
Everyone’s Favorite Bald Eagles Had Chicks—and You Can See Them on Live Stream
At this point, you’re probably thinking “Okay, that’s cool and all, but that’s it?” These weren’t just some random birds that sort of popped up out of nowhere. Like any great reality show, there has to be a storyline that tugs at the viewers’ heartstrings.
In 2023, the exact same situation was shown to the world when the cameras were first set up. That was when Jackie and Shadow were preparing to welcome hatchlings. Watchers saw the eggs being laid in the nest and were anxiously awaiting the first crack and the ensuing beak to come through.
Instead, something out of a Disney movie opening montage occurred when ravens attacked the nest. The eggs were eaten by the hostile birds. It was dramatic. It was heartbreaking. America was devastated.
Fast forward to March 2024, and the context behind this recent hatching explains why so many people were invested in this 24/7 cam. It was an uplifting, feel-good comeback story. That’s why more than one million views have been logged on the footage.
The coverage isn’t over yet. There’s a third egg in the nest that remains unhatched. The Los Angeles Times reports that the next baby could arrive in another week.
I know I’ll be locked into this video, will you?
The post Internet-Famous Bald Eagles Just Had Chicks on Live Stream appeared first on VICE.