A new trend has gone viral among cat owners, which involves using orange peel to keep felines off kitchen counters and household furniture. But does it really work? And is it harmful to your fur baby?
You’ve probably heard of common cat deterrents such as double-sided tape, aluminum foil and empty bottles filled with coins to stop your cat from climbing on certain surfaces. Now cat owners are using orange peels and it seems to work.
Dr. Nita Vasudevan, veterinarian at Embrace Pet Insurance told Newsweek that cats are often repelled by the smell of oranges and other citrus fruits because their peel contains compounds called limonene and linalool, which are very strong-smelling to feline noses.
Are Oranges Harmful to Cats?
Citrus fruits are not just unappealing to cats but can also be harmful. They contain essential oils and psoralens that can be toxic to cats in large doses, leading to gastrointestinal upset, and in some cases, more serious effects like lethargy or tremors.
However, you don’t need to panic as a cat would have to consume an excessive quantity of citrus fruit to be in danger of any severe reaction.
According to Dr. Eliza O’Callaghan, veterinarian at Small Door Veterinary, while the peel and seeds of oranges contain higher concentrations of unsuitable substances, the flesh of the fruit is less concerning.
“That said, it’s still best to avoid offering oranges to your cat, as their digestive systems are not well-suited to handle citrus fruits,” she told Newsweek.
What Should I Do if My Cat Eats Some Orange?
If you think your cat has ingested parts of an orange, you should look out for symptoms like drooling, mild vomiting, diarrhea or general discomfort, says O’Callaghan.
“These effects are typically short-lived and mild, but in rare cases, contact with the peel or seeds could lead to skin irritation or more pronounced digestive upset,” she says. “If your cat shows persistent symptoms or unusual behavior, consulting your veterinarian is always a good idea.”
Do Cats Need Vitamin C?
Thankfully, cats do not need to consume foods containing vitamin C or to take it in supplement form because their liver produces adequate amounts that meets their daily needs.
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The post Why Do Cats Hate Orange Peel? Vets Explain appeared first on Newsweek.