To our subscribers,
Every day, The New York Times publishes an astonishing bounty of great journalism. So much, that even the closest reader can miss something interesting or important.
We recently updated our app to make it easier than ever to find everything you want to read and engage with. Breaking news, multipart investigations and Opinion pieces that interrogate the issues and ideas of the day. Unmatched coverage of sports, culture and health. Best-in-class collections of games, recipes and product recommendations.
We hope this redesign will allow you to more seamlessly explore your interests and passions, and to more fully embrace all we offer. Maybe today you swipe over to our election coverage, which goes far beyond the talking points to provide a deeper understanding of candidates, issues and voters. Then swipe to visit Opinion to read what your favorite columnist has to say about it.
Or maybe swipe instead to our Great Reads, which are handpicked by our editors for exceptional storytelling that rewards your time. Or swipe to Lifestyle to explore the changing worlds of art, fashion, food and literature. Then swipe to Games to solve a puzzle, to Cooking to find ideas and inspiration for tonight’s dinner or to The Athletic to catch up on your local team.
I’m excited to share this update with you, and I’m eager to hear what you think. Thank you for supporting The New York Times — all the great journalism we offer would not be possible without you.
The post A New Chapter for the Times App appeared first on New York Times.