Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi got married in a stunning Italian ceremony in May, and on Wednesday, shared photos from the big day on social media. Dads of all varieties played a part in the Tuscan festivities: Bongiovi shared a snap of himself proudly standing between his own father, musician Jon Bon Jovi and Brown’s dad, Robert Brown, but another father figure made his presence known in the next photo Bongiovi shared. Matthew Modine, Brown’s TV “Papa” on Netflix’s Stranger Things, officiated the ceremony.
“Amazing,” Modine commented on the post, then joked, “Who’s the old guy with a beard??”
Modine wore a simple black suit with a white shirt to join the couple in matrimony under a lavish arch decorated with white florals. Photos show that Brown wore at least three dresses throughout the festivities: A custom lace gown by Galia Lahav during the ceremony, paired with a cathedral-length veil, a white lace Oscar de la Renta design, and a white minidress she changed into at some point during the reception.
Brown and Bongiovi dropped their Instagram posts of their intimate nuptials on the same day, with coordinated captions. Brown wrote, “forever and always, your wife” alongside her snaps, while Bongiovi captioned his post, “forever and always, your husband.”
Though Brown and Modine’s characters have a complicated relationship on Stranger Things, to put it lightly—parenting is hard, especially when you, like Modine’s Dr. Matthew Brenner, are a scientist who will stop at nothing to develop telekinetic powers in children like Brown’s Eleven—in real life, the actors have a sweet relationship. Just days ago, Modine shared a photo of his wrist bearing a beaded friendship bracelet reading “PAPA,” tagging Brown and Bongiovi and thanking them. “Friends forever,” he hashtagged the Instagram post, then sharing a quote about friendship.
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While the specific details of the young couple’s wedding have been kept under wraps until now, Jon Bon Jovi did confirm in an interview in May that they’d had a “very small family wedding.” Brown also shared a post soon after revealing that they’d visited Universal Orlando in the days following their wedding, confirming her marital status via denim shorts with “wifey” emblazoned across the rear and a ballcap reading “Wife of the Party.” The wedding rings the two sported didn’t hurt either.
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