Remember when our government shut the economy down, ordered us into quarantine, and demanded we all get vaccinated, stay 6 feet away from each other, and mask up?
Remember how every single one of those “protections” from COVID-19 failed miserably?
But those policies weren’t the only government initiatives that backslid.
The Paycheck Protection Program was yet another federal plan intended to help Americans — in this case, help businesses stay afloat amid the shutdown.
But like every other measure it took to “protect” us, PPP loans ended up only contributing to the catastrophic mess that was the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scammers sniffed out an opportunity to exploit the system, and exploit it they did.
Overnight, $200 billion dollars disappeared in what is perhaps the greatest fiscal failure in the history of the nation.
And the money didn’t go to businesses, either. It went to “jewelry, exotic cars, first class tickets, fancy restaurants, and trips to South Beach,” says BlazeTV’s Alex Stein (@PrimeTimeAlexStein), who traveled across the country to find out how these scammers were able to pull off such gross fraudulence as he spoke with experts like Peter Schiff, Rep. Thomas Massie, and even a former FBI agent.
Join the Pimp on a Blimp TODAY as he dives into the murky world of PPP loans to find our lost money. You can find “Scamdemic: How Fraudsters Cashed In On Billions” on BlazeTV. If you’re not already a subscriber, go to and use promo code SCAMDEMIC for a seven-day free trial plus $30 off an annual subscription.
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