If you’re struggling with today’s Connections puzzle, Newsweek has all the information you need so you can win.
The incredibly popular brainteaser was launched by The New York Times in June of last year and has gone on to become the newspaper’s second-most played game behind Wordle, another word-based puzzle.
Connections can be quite challenging, and a little nudge can sometimes make all the difference. The answers for Wednesday’s puzzle are at the bottom of this article, so proceed with caution if you prefer to solve it on your own.
How to Play ‘Connections’
Players are tasked with grouping 16 words into four categories based on association.
Each of the four categories is labeled with a color, which also signifies their difficulty level: beginning with yellow as the easiest, then green, blue and finally the toughest category, purple.
In case it makes it any easier, at any point during the game the player can shuffle the board so that the 16 words are randomly repositioned. If a player guesses incorrect groups of words four times the game ends in defeat. There is no time limit for the game.
According to Connections editor Wyna Liu, if you have five cards that all seem to belong in the same category your best move may well be to try and figure out a different category, then come back to the original one once some of the words are eliminated.
“Doing so might take one of those extra cards out of contention, or at least remove a few cards from the board, making other categories easier to see,” she said.
‘Connections’ #451 Clues for Wednesday, September 4
Newsweek has some hints to help you figure out today’s Connections categories.
Yellow: Tiny things that are usually a part of something larger.
Green: When you get a new pet.
Blue: Words that relate to a special event.
Purple: Related to typing.
‘Connections’ #451 Answers for Wednesday, September 4
Yellow Category: VERY SMALL AMOUNT
Yellow Words: Hint, Shred, Touch, Trace
Green Words: Bed, Bowl, Collar, Crate
Blue Category: HELP PUT ON A PARTY
Blue Words: Cater, Host, Plan, Throw
Purple Words: Brace, Caret, Hash, Star
Did you work out the answers? If so, congratulations; if not, please don’t be put off. Practice makes perfect, and the next Connections puzzle will be published on Thursday.
Connections is released at midnight in your local time zone, and Newsweek will be back tomorrow with another round of hints and tips.
If you can’t wait, why not try some other popular online word puzzle games, such as Typochondria and Spellspire?
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