At this year’s AdeptiCon, the massive wargaming event that takes place in Milwaukee each year, Games Workshop took the opportunity of a mass audience to reveal new miniatures and updates to Warhammer 40,ooo. This year, the Space Wolves are getting some love. The Space Wolves are one of the loyalist Space Marines chapters, known for their ferocity and brutality. Hailing from the death world of Fenris, the Space Wolves await something called the Wolftime — the final battles of the apocalypse, where their father Leman Russ will return and lead them to glory.
The Space Wolves are a polarizing army in 40K; you either love them, or you hate them. Some players find them a little corny, especially since they really double down on the wolf part of their name in their army list and aesthetics. Others find them endearing, and consider the Space Wolves to be a charming bunch of raucous bros. No matter what you think, the Wolves have a long and storied history all the way back to the Horus Heresy, where they served as the Emperor’s executioners.
The new models revealed at AdeptiCon have a lot of personality. The Blood Claws and Grey Hunters have unique hairstyles and heavy pelts hanging off their Primaris armor. There are also some feral wolves you can field alongside Space Marines, for those who really want to lean into the wolf pack aesthetic. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader unit serves as a field commander, with different weapons and heads that can be swapped in for customization. The Wolf Priest is a supportive unit, rallying his brothers with great tales and sagas while healing and collecting gene-seed from the battlefield. Along with all these new units comes a new Codex, which contains all the rules and some related lore and art.
Games Workshop shared other updates, including new units for the traitor legions Thousand Sons, World Eaters, and Death Guard. There will be more updates in future to the Chaos Knights, Imperial Knights, Black Templars, and Grey Knights. AdeptiCon also hosted the reveals of a new Kill Team scenario, and some new units and scenarios for the fantasy-themed Age of Sigmar wargame.
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