In a family drama that is gaining traction on Reddit, a woman shared with others that she’s telling her mother-in-law — a big fan of garlic — to cook meals strictly outside the house from now on, not inside.
The cooking, however, may be just part of the problem here, a psychotherapist indicated.
“I’ve had chronic migraines for over 20 years and one of my triggers is garlic,” the woman wrote on Reddit. “I get extremely sick once the migraine hits, and I am currently pregnant and unable to take any medicines that will stop or help my migraines.”
The woman said that she and her husband “moved my mother-in-law and brother-in-law in with us so we can try and take care of his mom and help her retire and help my [brother-in-law] get on his feet.”
While the brother-in-law “has been great,” the woman added that she “didn’t realize that my MIL was going to take over the house.”
The woman said that “when we lived on our own, we’d worked out a pretty good routine. [But] once she moved in, she wanted to cook every meal and would come [into] our room unannounced to grab our dirty laundry, make our bed, etc.”
She added, “If I cooked dinner anyway, she would guilt my husband into eating both meals.”
The woman shared on Reddit that she went back into her bedroom, turned on the fan and opened all the windows “to air it out. But honestly, I’m already screwed at this point and want to tell her that if she is going to continue to cook with that much garlic and not care how sick I get, that she can cook outside with the camping stove.”
She asked others if she was wrong for feeling the way she does.
People on Reddit pronounced the pregnant woman “not the a–hole” for feeling the way she does.
Said one writer, “You can tell her to cook outside on a camping stove. Or you can have a talk with your husband about how she has outstayed her welcome. You guys didn’t HAVE to let her move in, and [it] sounds like she needs to understand it’s not her house.”
“Your husband needs to immediately remove all garlic from the house.”
Another commenter remarked, “It’s time to give her a deadline to move out … She’s only going to be worse once there’s a baby in the picture.”
A number of others seconded that last sentiment, agreeing the situation could become much tougher once the couple’s baby is born.
Wrote another person, “She’s doing this on purpose. If she can’t respect a basic health boundary, she can absolutely take her garlic obsession outside. Your husband needs to step up even more and make it clear that this is non-negotiable. Stay strong.”
Another person said, “Remove all garlic from the house. What you have is an allergy.”
Yet another Reddit user was adamant the mother-in-law needs to cook outside, away from the windows, “even if she doesn’t use garlic. Pregnancy nose is sensitive and you don’t need any triggers. Don’t they realize damage to you is damage to the baby also?”
A garlic allergy is said to be “uncommon.” It’s more likely people “have a garlic intolerance [rather] than an allergy. A healthcare provider can help determine if your symptoms are happening due to an allergy or an intolerance,” Cleveland Clinic said.
Gabriele Regalbuto of Fox News Digital contributed reporting.
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