Today’s tarot card is the Ten of Wands. It represents burdens, responsibilities, and the sense of overwhelm that can happen as a result. If your calendar is currently jam-packed with events, meetings, and commitments, then this card might be for you.
When it shows up in a reading, it’s a reminder to give yourself a break. It suggests you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, and it’s all starting to take a toll. Instead of feeling energetic and creative, like you did a few days ago, you might be brain foggy and burnt out.
The last thing you should do, at least for today, is say yes to one more thing. If you get a text about a big commitment, like being a bridesmaid or going on a pricy trip with friends, wait a few days before you reply. If you get an exciting business offer, pause and ask for more info. Even if you’re doing something simple, like replying to an email, it might need to wait until you’ve had a bit of a breather.
While some questions do need an answer right away, and many projects do have a hard and fast deadline, it’s possible you’ve been overworking and overcommitting yourself unnecessarily — and that’s why you feel so done. Today could be a good one to slow down, take a rest, and reassess and reprioritize.
While it does hint at overwhelm, the Ten of Wands also suggests you’re thriving. You’re booked and busy and it’s clear people trust you with tasks. That’s one of the reasons why you ended up with so much on your plate.
If you don’t currently feel tired or stretched thin, this is a clue to make sure you stay that way. Maybe you don’t need to get up at 5 a.m. for yoga, but instead should sleep the extra hour. Maybe you don’t need to do the most with a 5 to 9 routine. If these regimens make you feel good, that’s one thing. But if they secretly feel like a burden, it’s OK to opt out.
For some, this card could be a sign that the finish line for a major project — or an era in your life — is in sight. Like the person with the bundle in their arms, you currently have everything you need to get where you want to go. You just need to dig in and keep pushing. Once you’re finished, you’ll be able to rest.
For more, check out your horoscope.
The post Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Your Tarot Reading appeared first on Bustle.