Ahh, the weekend. Our favorite time of the week. Sure, we love writing about games as much as we love playing them, but getting to indulge in our favorites without worrying about making an article? Pure bliss. On this episode of VICE Games Playdays, we’re going to be chatting about what games we’ll be diving into this weekend, and what we’re looking forward to getting into.
Welcome TO Vice Games PlayDays
Matt Vatankhah – Contributor
This weekend, I’ll be returning to one of my favorite survival games ever: V Rising. Fun fact – this game helped me get my first writing gig! An ultra-satisfying progression system akin to Valheim, coupled with tons of incredible boss battles, makes V Rising my personal favorite in the survival/crafting/pvp sphere. And, even, years after its release, Stunlock Studios continues to deliver meaty packs of content to satiate any bloodsucker.
I mean, you get to be a vampire and drain living creatures of their powers. You get to build gorgeous castles and decorate them how you want. And you get to kill other players and steal their loot! Being a vampire has never been more fun.
Anthony Franklin II – contributor
This is the weekend of big changes. Particularly for me. And maybe I’ll get into that down the road because I think it’s a story worth telling. But this time around, I really don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself this weekend. I’ll clear my head with some Madden as usual. But outside of that, the options feel more plentiful than usual.
Maybe some Elden Ring or I’ll finally make a dent in Returnal. And of course, I have a massive number of indies. I don’t know. I just know things feel more wide open than they ever have. And for that, I’m grateful.
Dwayne Jenkins – Managing Editor
I’m torn for this VICE Games Playday. On one hand, y’all took to the Yu-Gi-Oh Early Days Collection article surprisingly well. So, perhaps I’ll play the next three games and offer some more impressions! Or, I could go the selfish route and play 33 Immortals without the worry of “creating content.” Then again, I feel the pull of the heart of the cards. So, perhaps it’s time to d-d-d-d-d-duel!
…And hopefully never need to duel the same person five times to progress ever again.
SHaun Cichacki – COntributor
It’s time to say goodbye to my original Nintendo Switch. With the Switch 2 Direct right around the corner, we’ll (hopefully) find out when the next console in the Nintendo family will be available. And what better way to say goodbye to one of my favorite consoles than with one of the most requested games from the Wii U? This weekend, I’ll be diving into Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition for the first time, and I can’t wait to see what Monolith Soft did with the hardware.
They’re one of the most talented developers that Nintendo can call upon, pushing the hybrid console to its absolute limits. But, if rumor is to be believed, there’s a 60 FPS executable hidden in the game files, meaning that it’s going to run even better on future hardware. I’m already drooling thinking about that.
That Brings Vice Games Playdays To A Wrap
Now that I’ve officially discovered that V Rising has an offline mode, as well as proper controller support? I’m downloading that right away. It looks like a blast and a half, and who doesn’t want to be a vampire? I just hope we don’t glitter in this game. But regardless, it seems like we’ve all got quite the gaming feast on our plates for this weekend, so we’ll leave it at that. As always, thanks for tuning in, and keep being awesome.
The post VICE Games Playdays Episode 1: Sending Out the Nintendo Switch in Style appeared first on VICE.