Our good pal Reacher (Alan Ritchson) is a man of many talents. The former military police investigator is quick on his feet, a savvy strategist, and, oh yeah, a dude who looks like he could punch his way through the Rocky Mountains.
Side note: The inevitable showdown between our favorite nomad and Paulie (Olivier “The Dutch Giant” Richters) is going to be epic.
Reacher is well known for his prodigious combat skills, but you know what’s rarely discussed? The fact that this mountain of a man pulls.
Every season of Reacher follows a familiar pattern: An antagonist is established, Reacher does some punching, the antagonist’s sinister plot is revealed, Reacher does some more punching and kills some people, there’s a plot twist, Reacher adjusts his plan followed by more punching with a side of murder, Reacher gets to have a little bit of sex as a reward for all the punching, followed by one last round of punching and death before Reacher finally saves the day.
In the first season, Reacher becomes romantically involved with Margrave PD’s ace sergeant Roscoe Conklin (Willa Fitzgerald). The two have a steamy shower scene during the fourth episode (“In a Tree”) before Reacher eventually beats up everyone in town and leaves at the end of the season. The second season consists of two quick sex scenes when Reacher hooks up with his old 110th Special Investigations Unit pal Karla Dixon (Serinda Swan).
What can I say? The ladies love Reacher.
If you’ve been watching the third season, well, you knew what was coming. During last week’s episode — “Smoke on the Water” — the inevitable happened as Reacher and Duffy (Sonya Cassidy) shared a kiss. This week? You guessed it! Death, taxes, and a Reacher sex scene because the big guy and Duffy finally boned.
The episode begins with Reacher and Duffy traveling to LA to cut a deal with a colleague of Season 3 big bad Xavier Quinn. But their banter soon turns from professional to flirty when Reacher doubles down on prioritizing the rescue of Duffy’s undercover informant, Teresa.
“Teresa won’t take a back seat to Quinn, not anymore. You have my word,” Reacher tells Duffy. “You’re selfless; you have integrity. So if Teresa’s important to you, she’s important to me.”
I mean, that didn’t even rhyme but it turns out those were the romantic words Duffy needed to hear. “You really wanna make me feel better,” she says seductively, taking off her shirt as she walks towards Reacher. “I have an idea.”
“I thought you said we couldn’t do this again,” Reacher says as he almost throws a bucket of cold water on the mood. “That was before I saw who you really are.”
How will Reacher and Duffy’s romance impact their working relationship as they try to take out the dangerous Xavier Quinn? A wise man once said that “details matter,” so hopefully this fling doesn’t jeopardize the mission.
The Season 3 finale of Reacher premieres Thursday, March 27 on Prime Video.
The post ‘Reacher’s Annual Sex Scene Has Finally Arrived! appeared first on Decider.