If you love all things mystical and magical, then you likely notice when repeating numbers seem to be following you around. Maybe it’s always 5:55 when you happen to glance at the clock, or your oat milk and matcha combo comes to $5.55, or your dream apartment’s address just so happens to be located at 555 XZY Street.
While it’s easy to write these numbers off as cool coincidences, there might just be a spiritual meaning behind the number 555. In case you didn’t know, repeating numbers like 555, 444, 333, and so on are called angel numbers, and each one comes with a unique message. If your $5.55 receipt feels personal or meaningful, this might be why.
According to Sequoia Nacmanie, a spiritual coach and intuitive tarot reader, some people believe angel numbers are signs from spiritual helpers, like spirit guides, ancestors, or angels. “Angel numbers show up as repeating numbers, like 111, 222, etc. or they might also show up as sequences of numbers that are important to you, like a birthday or anniversary date,” she tells Bustle.
It could be a subtle hint from the universe, a personal message, or a sign of what’s to come — and it’s one you shouldn’t ignore. Here’s what to know about 555.
The Meaning Of Angel Number 555
Angel numbers relate to numerology, aka the belief that there’s a connection between numbers and life events. By noticing these numbers, it may help you make decisions or follow certain paths, especially when you become more aware of their meanings.
The number 5 represents freedom, independence, and self-sufficiency. If you keep seeing 555 and want to know what it means, start to think about these themes and what they might represent in your life.
Since the number 5 indicates freedom from a situation, angel number 555 could be a sign that a change is on the horizon. According to experts, it’s likely the kind of change that’s been in the works for a while.
If you’ve been stuck — or if you’ve gotten a little too comfortable in life — that’s when fives might start popping up. “[Five] comes directly after the stability of a strong foundation in number 4, indicating that you can only really be free once you’ve once been held,” Erin River Sunday, a consulting astrologer for Birthdate Co., previously told Bustle.
It could point to changes that you purposefully make for yourself, like when you decide to move or start a new job, as well as changes that you’ve been resisting for a while.
“Think break-ups of toxic relationships, leaving jobs that make you exhausted and burnt out, needing to suddenly move, and so on,” says Nacmanie. “When these types of changes occur, it can feel jarring, unexpected, and leave you feeling shaken.”
Despite how it may feel in the moment, the takeaway is that these changes will ultimately be positive and transformative in the long run.
According to transformation coach Brandy Lott, new opportunities may be making their way into your life real soon, and the best thing you can do is stay positive.
“Stay hopeful and open to the changes coming your way,” she tells Bustle. “These changes will help align you with your soul purpose for this lifetime.”
Angel Number 555 In Love & Relationships
Since the angel number 555 symbolizes transformation and change, it could be a sign that your love life is about to be shaken up, especially if you keep seeing a trio of fives whenever your partner texts you or every time you go on a date.
If you keep seeing 555, take the time to assess your relationship and ponder what might need to change. For some, it might be a sign that your love life is about to transform into something bigger and better. Maybe you’ll shift from casually dating to a committed relationship or from visiting each other 24/7 to actually moving in together.
For others, 555 could spell trouble in paradise. If you and your partner haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye, Nacmanie recommends seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor so you can discuss big topics, chat about the future of your relationship, and get things off your chest that have been ignored.
In some cases, “angel number 555 can also signal that it’s time for a clean break if the relationship has reached its ending point so that everyone involved can grow and evolve, separately,” Nacmanie says. “This is especially true if you’ve been resisting it.”
Angel Number 555 & Twin Flames
If you’re looking for love, seeing 555 could mean you’re about to meet The One. That’s because many believe this trio is related to twin flames, which is the idea that two souls are split. When you meet your twin flame, you might feel like you’ve known them all your life.
For anyone who’s playing the dating game, it can be encouraging to see 555s. It suggests you’re growing into the person you’re meant to be when you meet your next partner. If you see the time is 5:55 as you head to your date, take it as a sign.
If you’re in a relationship that’s going well, seeing 555s — on the kitchen clock, on your laptop, on a car passing by — suggests you’re growing and changing together. It could happen naturally or be something you kick off on purpose. To embrace your 555 message, dream up ways to bond, feel close, or discover new things about one another.
Angel Number 555 In Love & Your Career
In terms of your career, seeing 555 as you go about your day isn’t always the best omen — at least not for the near future. It means you may be let go from your current position or a big business deal may fall through, but in some cases, it could be a sign that you’ll decide to leave a job that offers zero work-life balance.
If these shifts occur, you may feel like you’ve lost your sense of stability and security. But if you keep coming across the number 555, Lott says bigger and better opportunities are on the way. Go ahead and grieve what you lost, but keep your eyes peeled for something even better.
What To Do If You See 555
If you’re seeing the angel number 555 regularly, Lott suggests practicing the art of non-attachment. “This is when you allow yourself to be energetically free from attachment to anything in your life and trusting that what is meant for you is meant for you,” she says.
The goal is to be in a space where you’re mentally unbothered by anything life throws your way. Instead of panicking or digging your heels in at the first sign of change, allow yourself to relax knowing that everything will eventually work in your favor.
Some may find journaling or repeating positive affirmations helpful in letting go. It might also help to talk to a friend, ask for support or reassurance from a partner, or shift your POV to one that has you looking forward to unexpected twists and turns.
If a big life change does finally arrive, don’t freak out. “Change is the only thing that’s constant, and positive change is the best type of change,” Lott says. The number 555 is a message to embrace these shifts and trust that everything is working out for your best interest. If you’ve been seeing this number lately, get excited and embrace it!”
More Angel Numbers
- What 111 Means
- What 222 Means
- What 333 Means
- What 444 Means
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- What 999 Means
Sequoia Nacmanie, spiritual coach, intuitive tarot reader
Brandy Lott, transformation coach
Erin River Sunday, consulting astrologer for Birthdate Co.,
The post What Does Angel Number 555 Mean? Its Spiritual Symbolism, Explained appeared first on Bustle.