Going to an arcade was a staple of many of our lives. Saving up money from our allowances, and finding a way to waste it all in an afternoon. Sure, Barcades exist now, but there’s something sacrilegious about the possibility of spilling a Captain and Coke on a classic Street Fighter II cabinet. Plus, I don’t drink, so that doesn’t help. That’s what made me think; what classic Arcade games would we love to see remade or brought back to life in some way, shape, or form? Let’s dive in and find out what the VICE Games crew thinks on this episode of VICE Games’ Wednesday Wishlist.
It’s Time For Wednesday Wishlist, Grab Your Quarters And Wait in Line
Matt Vatankhah – Contributor
Some video games are so stupid, so patently absurd, that you often wonder how they ever got the green light. Revolution X, the shooting gallery arcade game featuring rock band Aerosmith, is not one of those games. You’re telling me a game where you blast away a fascistic military force trying to stamp out ’90s rebel culture, while rescuing digitized versions of Steven Tyler, all while “Eat the Rich” blasts in the background, wasn’t a good idea? Please, Revolution X is the oarfish washed up on the shores of the new millennium.
Why Aerosmith? I don’t know, why do you throw CDs in the game and why are they more powerful than your machine gun? Who cares! That’s what makes Revolution X the gem of ’90s arcade goofiness that it is. Hey, with Acclaim’s recent comeback announcement, who knows – the next revolution just may be reboot-itized.
SHaun Cichacki – COntributor
Fun fact of the day! I had my dad help build a RetroPi arcade machine, just so I could experience The NewZealand Story. Sure, it may have gotten an Arcade Archives port to consoles in 2023, but I was playing as this adorable little Kiwi back in 2019. There’s something inherently charming about this silly little game, that I never once questioned how a kiwi bird could shoot a bow.
I’d love to see this one revitalized in some way, shape, or form. Even if they keep the same core gameplay loop, just with some better graphics? I’d be a happy camper. The simplistic, yet challenging gameplay was a quick way to eat through quarters, and I’d be more than happy to plunk a few more down to play this one again. I mean, if I didn’t already have a way to do so from the comfort of my own home.
Dwayne Jenkins – Managing Editor
WELCOME TO DIE! The only real answer here is X-Men: The Arcade Game. It was a six-player beat ’em-up classic. I would say I’m shocked the X-Men haven’t come back for another beat ’em up, but the licensing rights to that IP are always a little dicey. Regardless — and especially with the X-Men comics seeing a rejuvenation under Jonathan Hickman — it’s time for the X-Men to ride again!
Plus, there are more members of the iconic team you could throw into the mix! You could even do, like, a Sonic Adventure 2 Battle deal and have a Heroes storyline and a Villains storyline! …And maybe even a Human storyline to round things out. Yes, I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time. It’s the perfect time for it, okay? Let me have my dreams! #MagnetoDidNothingWrong
And That’s A Wrap on This VICE Games’ Wednesday Wishlist
The arcade is home to some of the most beautiful memories I have. It doesn’t matter if it was going to an arcade/movie theater with my wife before a date, or just hanging out with friends. There’s something magical about these types of spots. At the same point, I still need to figure out how I could fit a Beachhead 2000 machine in my house. I’d have to knock down a few walls, sure. But that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make if I can sit inside of the orb. As always, thanks for being amazing. Until next time.
The post VICE Games’ Wednesday Wishlist: Arcade Edition appeared first on VICE.