Look, it’s one of the most celebrated action RPGs of the early 2000s: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic! And in 2021, remember when Aspyr (in collaboration with Sony) announced a remake of one of the best to ever do it out of nowhere? That was awesome! Sure, it was just a slight teaser, but everyone was hyped. Then, 2022 came around. Silence. That’s cool — game development is hard, after all! 2023: Crickets. Okay! I’m sure they’re still plugging away at it!
…It’s presently 2025, and there’s been neither hide nor hair of anything related to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake. Until now! Per Game File, Matthew Karch, the CEO of Saber Interactive — now the sole development studio behind the remake — confirmed that they’re still burning the midnight oil on the project!
“Saber is careful about what they say about what might be their most anticipated project, the long-awaited remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Karch confirmed during our flight that it is still in development. But, just as Wingefors used to be every time the game he was asked about the game when it was under Embracer, Karch won’t or can’t say more. His PR rep explained that they want to allow Star Wars owner Disney to take the lead in talking about games tied to that company’s characters,” the outlet reports.
well, i guess all we can do is wait for more ‘star wars: Knights of the old republic’ news
I promise I won’t be mean about this latest Star Wars project. I’ve been wrong about long-simmering games before. I thought that we’d never hear anything of the Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 game. But, Paradox Interactive is still plugging away at it! Look, as a former Silksong believer, it would be cruel of me to say: “Pfft, now y’all know that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake ain’t seeing the light of day.” But, stranger things have happened in the industry.
Duke Nukem Forever finally came out after a tortured development cycle! …For better or worse. Hopefully, we indeed see that sweet Star Wars: KotOR remake at some point. (Call me when they remake KotOR2, though. I love Kreia.)
The post The ‘Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic’ Remake Is… Apparently Still Coming Out? appeared first on VICE.