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The Daily Mail just profiled a few of the 6,100 Americans — “rich and famous” elites — who fled the U.S. and applied for U.K. citizenship, terrified of the ghost stories they told themselves about President Donald Trump and his return to the White House.
Dubbed “Donald Dashers,” they’re bolting for New Zealand and the U.K., a 26% jump from 2023 and a record high in two decades. It’s a tale of effete panic — proof, they say, that Trump’s America is unlivable. Except it’s not proof — it’s cosplay, and the data proves it’s a fantasy that only a handful of spoiled brats can afford to indulge.
Someone once remarked that the “British and Americans are two people separated by a common language.” Yet, one might suspect that those who uprooted to move to Notting Hill in London are one people with their neighbors, united by their contempt for common sense.
California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is likely thrilled to be terming out next year so that he can put some distance between the smoking remains of California’s economy and his expected run for president.
On the other hand, Texas, the epitome of red state Trump America, is a magnet for workers and businesses. People don’t flee opportunity — they chase it. Yet the “Dashers” ignore this, clutching their passports while millions move to Trump-friendly states, not away.
Trump’s net job approval tells another tale: it’s been positive on RealClearPolitics since the inauguration, with nearly half the country in his corner. If he’s such a nightmare, why are only 6,100 out of 340 million — 0.0018% — plotting an international escape?
These “Dashers” aren’t fleeing reality; they’re living a delusion. Maybe they think Trump’s coming for their tax cuts—the same cuts that fattened their wallets in his first term. Maybe they’ve bought the media’s “fascism” hype, despite four years of Trump leaving their caviar untouched and their free speech rights strengthened.
California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is likely thrilled to be terming out next year so that he can put some distance between the smoking remains of California’s economy and his expected run for president.
Whatever it is, it’s not the America the rest of us see. The “Dashers” can’t square this with their dystopian script, so they jet overseas while millions vote with moving vans and U-Hauls, migrating from blue to red states, chasing freedom and jobs, not fleeing Trump.
The “Donald Dashers” are a loud minority playing refugee dress-up from a tyranny that doesn’t exist. A boutique rebellion that will end in a whimper.
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