In the world of traditional print publishing, a grade-A Editor can usually properly judge if a book is worthy of representation within the first 5-to-10 pages. I’m now having a similar moment following the conclusion of a new trailer for the much-anticipated Silent Hill f. The next mainline SH title has the burden of the entire franchise on its shoulders (I know, Bloober Team — it’s for dramatic effect). So, the fact that everyone involved with the project intimately understands why the best of the series is as beloved as it is? Let’s go, Konami.
Look at it. God, it’s gorgeous. Yes, it’s just a cinematic trailer. “It didn’t even show any gameplay, so what are you talking about?” Obviously, you didn’t watch the Silent Hill Transmission event where some of the title’s leads talked about what players can expect! But, of course, leave it to the “fans” to be up in arms over the Japan setting. Ready for some nuclear takes? I am.
And a-one: “Thought i was watching fatal frame trailer. I dont get silent hill vibes.” And a-two: “Graphics look so bad, doesn’t even seem like a Silent Hill game either.” And a-blue-skidoo: “Cool, but what exactly is the relevance to Silent Hill?” Y’all aren’t going to ruin my high this time. I trust you, Konami. You packaged it, wrapped it up nicely, and sold it to me at a bargain!
I’m sure konami will be real heartbroken when they cash those ‘silent hill f’ checks
There’s even a long-winded comment talking about the cults, demon gods, and other such nonsense Silent Hill fans definitely discuss as their favorite parts of the lore. Let’s make one thing clear: the best SH games are top-tier character studies. We can argue about the intricacies of Silent Hill until everyone passes out from exhaustion. But it’s the interpersonal struggles and the call to overcome them that make the games so great.
Raise your hand if you care about the stupid cult. That rarely gets mentioned anyway because Silent Hill isn’t an external action romp but a terrifying mirror into those parts of the self that are impossible to confront. Anyway, Konami did their thing, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about what we learned about Silent Hill f. Bloober Team lit the match, and now it’s time for the heavy-hitter to burn the house down.
The post ‘Silent Hill’ Is Back, Baby — A Single Fresh ‘Silent Hill f’ Trailer Has Completely Revitalized My Hope in the Franchise appeared first on VICE.