Catherine writes: My husband, Alex, refuses to cover his mouth when he sneezes at home! I can see the sneeze particles spraying all over. Alex says he should be able to “let it out” in his own home. Please make him stop.
It wasn’t long ago I was sure we’d never hug one another again, let alone breathe gape-mouthed over a tub of shared hummus in an airport lounge. But if the past few months have proved anything, cultural amnesia is real, salad bars are back and husbands will regress to gross, no matter what common-sense hygiene principles we spent a year learning while locked up in our homes. If Alex lived alone, he indeed would have his own home to freely aerosolize his snot in. But he shares this house with you (for now), the person he claims to love. Even if he’s not sick, he should want to respect your reasonable saliva boundaries. And if he doesn’t like my ruling, he can tape my picture into the crook of his sneezing elbow and defile me at the same time he’s respecting you.
The post Judge John Hodgman on Basic Sneezing Hygiene appeared first on New York Times.