While some zodiac signs are notorious for sharing their thoughts and ideas, others don’t like to open up. Even if they’re hanging out with a best friend or partner, chances are they won’t dive deep into their emotions or share what’s on their mind.
These are the mysterious members of the zodiac who pick and choose what they say out loud. It might be because they’re reserved, quiet, or looking for the exact moment to drop their juiciest lore. Until then, you won’t really know what they’re thinking.
For some of these signs, their desire to keep their cards close to their chest is a protective measure. They might want to make sure they’re with a trusted person before sharing a secret or two. It can make them seem aloof, distant, or like they’re a tough nut to crack, and that’s because they are.
Of course, having this trait doesn’t mean they have nothing to say. Many signs will talk your ear off, joke around, or ask you questions, all without dipping into their own well of emotions. This is especially noticeable during big group chats where everyone else is chiming in.
Instead of joining in the fray, they’ll be off to the side lost in thought — or waiting for the right moment to speak. Below are the three zodiac signs who don’t always share what’s on their mind.
Scorpio (Oct. 22 – Nov. 20)
Contrary to popular belief, Scorpios don’t always say what’s on their mind — at least not in the moment. As a thoughtful water sign, they like to pick the best time to share big thoughts or grievances, and up until then will remain utterly mysterious.
It can be tough to tell what a Scorpio is thinking, which has to do with their empathy. This sign likes to mirror others, which means they’ll match your energy during a conversation and focus on you, instead of talking about themselves.
They’re also good at reading a room and can tell when it’s not a good time to speak up, especially about something important. Is it your birthday party? Graduation? A Scorpio might be going through something tough, but they’ll hold it in so they won’t rain on your parade. If you ask them what’s wrong they’ll convincingly say, “Nothing!”
This sign — one that never forgets anything, especially toxic exes — might also be hesitant to say what’s on their mind for fear of getting hurt. Even though they want to tell a new partner their whole life story on a first date, they’re more likely to peel back layers slowly over time. Other Scorpios might never fully open up to friends, family, or even a partner, choosing instead to keep their deepest secrets to themselves.
Aquarius (Jan. 19 – Feb. 17)
You can know an Aquarius for years and still never really know them. Even though they’re an air sign — the element associated with the flow of words — they tend to pick and choose what they say out loud. This aloof, independent energy stems from their ruling planet Uranus, which represents freedom and nonconformity.
Picture an Aquarius playing a game of “never have I ever” or “truth or dare” at a party. Instead of going along with the group and sharing all the nitty, gritty details of their life, an Aquarius might give half-answers or ask to switch to “dare” so they don’t have to reveal a secret. They’re not trying to remain mysterious on purpose. They just simply are.
An Aquarius will absolutely talk your ear off about ideas or what’s going on in the world, but it doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily share what they think about it all. This sign is known to be analytical, preferring to focus on why things are the way they are instead of how they feel about it.
Pisces (Feb. 18 – March 19)
Similar to Scorpio, people with Pisces placements aren’t going to share their every thought and idea — and it has a lot to do with their emotions. As a water sign, Pisces has a ton of feelings stirring beneath the surface, and they might assume they’re too big or weighty to share out loud.
It’s one reason why Pisces are so attracted to the arts. Instead of opening up to friends and freaking them out, they’d much rather express themselves through other mediums, possibly by writing a short story or throwing paint all over a canvas. It’s a way to channel their energy while avoiding tough conversations and potential embarrassment — two things sensitive Pisces hate.
This sign tends to avoid conflict at all costs, which means they’re also likely to lean back during a disagreement with friends instead of jumping in to blurt out their POV. If they’re upset about something, they may find a roundabout way to share it, possibly by sighing loudly and hoping someone asks what’s wrong.
Other Pisces are more focused on their inner world than their external one. They’re ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and escapism, and it means it might not even occur to them to say what they’re thinking. Their thoughts and ideas exist only in their head, right where they belong.
The post These 3 Zodiac Signs Never Say What’s On Their Mind appeared first on Bustle.