It’s refreshing to see so much irrational fervor over a snack chip shaped like something other than Jesus. Granted, it’s Pokémon-related, which might be the nonreligious king of making adults with too much time and/or money on their hands toss all of their humanity out the window in praise of pocket monsters.
One minute, you have two adult men fighting over a spot in line over some Pokémon-related vending machine thing, and the next, you have someone dropping an astounding $87,840 at auction for a “Cheetozard,” a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like the Pokémon Charizard.
The three-inch-long Cheeto shaped like the third evolution of the beloved starter Pokémon Charmander was discovered and immediately preserved by a sports memorabilia company sometime between 2018 and 2022, because narrowing down the date someone discovered a Cheeto shaped like a Pokémon is less precise than carbon dating 230-million-year-old dinosaur bones.
Once the existence of the Cheetozard hit the Internet, it exploded in popularity. Suddenly, everyone with too much money wanted the stale but probably still delicious Cheeto.
The bidding for the Cheetozard started at $250 and quickly leapt into the six-figure range. Its final sale price was $72,000, with the other $15,840 attributed to buyer’s fees. The Cheetozard comes displayed as a Pokémon card nestled within a tough plastic protective box, ensuring that no external forces will ever damage it as it slowly rots in a little plastic coffin.
People with too much money love spending it on silly works of art that they ultimately eat as its own form of art or some such bullshit like that. Like that guy who spent millions of dollars on a banana taped to a wall only to eat said banana.
Will Cheetozard’s new owner make a meal out of the Pokémon? Or will it sit in a vault for a few years, either slowly rising or rapidly dwindling in value, depending on whether or not Cheetos are biodegradable?
The post A Cheeto Shaped Like Charizard Just Sold for $87,840 appeared first on VICE.