For loyal, gracious, and pragmatic Virgo: what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
The cosmos prioritizes planning and preparation in the early days of March as the month begins with a conjunction between your ruling planet, Mercury, and the waxing crescent Moon. This month is full of cosmic ups and downs. Getting your ducks in a row will help you better navigate these states of flux. Speaking of, the first major transition occurs on March 2 as Venus turns retrograde in Aries. Normally, our planetary neighbor influences matters of the heart, wallet, or facets of life having to do with our self-image and ego. When Venus turns retrograde, these elements can become topsy-turvy.
Take great care to guard your heart closely this month, Virgo. Venus retrograde increases the likelihood of misunderstandings in relationships, reckless financial behavior, and an unstable sense of self. Adding to this sense of opacity is a coinciding conjunction of your ruling planet and Neptune. While the latter celestial body can promote imagination and creativity, it can also place rose-colored lenses over our outward perspective. Under the influence of this cosmic alignment, it will become easier to fall prey to distractions. Obstacles that once seemed obvious will be harder to detect.
Fortunately, Mercury’s transition into Aries on March 3 will help boost confidence in areas of communication and intellectual understanding. Learning to slow down and take more time to process your surroundings might feel foreign at first for someone as productive and motivated as you. But the stars urge you to try anyway. Mercury’s two subsequent sextiles with the waxing crescent Moon and transformative Pluto on March 5 further emphasize this call to pause, absorb, and then react. The opposite order might feel more natural at the time, but its consequences are worse.
Your ruling planet conjoins with Venus retrograde on March 11, helping boost mental clarity as you deal with the cloudy miscommunications and impulsive behavior brought on by Venus. These disruptions to your emotional and financial well-being will understandably be disheartening at first. But if you think about it, the cosmos is offering a pretty invaluable map toward a place of greater stability and inner peace. Troubleshooting is easier when the trouble is actively occurring. Use it to your advantage, Virgo.
This month’s potent full Moon reaches its peak strength on March 14 under your celestial domain, consequently increasing its tangibility from your terrestrial vantage point. This particular full Moon coincides with a lunar eclipse, making this cosmic event even more influential than usual. Lunar eclipses signal closure and finality. They are a time to say goodbye to that which no longer serves us and make room for what does. It’s time to tie up loose ends, commit to closure, and declutter emotionally and physically.
As if a lunar eclipse wasn’t enough of a celestial shake-up, Mercury goes retrograde the following day on March 15. This retrograde period is infamous across the entire Zodiac. But as one of two signs governed by Mercury, these cosmic periods tend to manifest in your life in more tangible ways. Mercury retrograde increases the chances of communication breakdowns, travel delays or mishaps, and technological errors. Whenever possible, try to approach a situation with a backup plan (or two) in mind. With Venus retrograde still going strong, the unexpected is practically a guarantee.
Mercury also forms a direct opposition to the Sun on the day it turns retrograde, creating even greater potential for challenge. Social interactions and educational pursuits might become significantly harder during this time. Use this as an opportunity to improve yourself, Virgo. Just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s a cosmic punishment. A small shift in perspective can make a large difference in how you approach life’s hurdles. If anyone is equipped to handle problems on the fly, it would be you.
The Sun’s transition into Aries ushers in a fresh Zodiac cycle on March 20. Your ruling planet begins Aries season in an auspicious trine with the waning gibbous Moon. This movement signals positive energy even in the face of greater conflict. The waning gibbous Moon is a highly managerial lunar phase. What’s working? What isn’t? While we might not always be readily happy with these answers, they’re certainly questions worth asking. If you can push past the initial discomfort, this type of self-assessment will prove itself worth it by way of greater prosperity, confidence, and wisdom in the future.
A conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun on March 24 forces you to rethink your approach to problem-solving as the stars encourage inner reflection over external action. Your desire to find solutions is admirable, Virgo. But the sooner you realize that not every problem is yours to fix, the less hectic your life will feel. You have more control over what’s on your plate than you realize. If you’re struggling to balance it all, that’s a sign that you should rethink certain responsibilities, obligations, and goals. Consider it a technique to increase efficiency in other areas of your life.
A nearly dark Moon conjoins with your ruling planet on March 28, one day before the Moon reaches its darkest, most restorative phase in Aries. This month’s new Moon coincides with a partial solar eclipse, serving as the contrast to the lunar eclipse earlier this month. If the latter event was one of life’s chapter closing, the former is a new chapter beginning. Even a partial solar eclipse offers invaluable insights to where you are, where you want to be, and the best way to span that distance. Keep an open mind and heart as you venture forth into this uncharted territory, Virgo.
Staying grounded will become all the more critical in March’s final days as your retrograde ruling planet conjoins with Neptune in Pisces. With Mercury in retrograde, this usually beneficial alignment is a greater indicator of blurred lines, mixed feelings, and a growing sense of instability. Use Pisces’ heightened sensitivity to your advantage, Virgo. Let your emotions act as guideposts and your principles and values, a compass. These feelings of uncertainty will pass soon enough. Just keep going.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Virgo! See you next month.
The post Virgo, March 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope appeared first on VICE.