For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
Your monthly forecast begins with a conjunction of your ruling planet, Neptune, and the waxing crescent Moon under Pisces. This lunar phase encourages planning and preparation, and this sort of realization of our dreams, goals, and values will become especially critical in the chaotic planetary shifts and more arduous alignments to come. Allow your ruling planet’s imaginative spirit to expand your mind to the possibilities of what you can accomplish. Don’t underestimate your ability to stand in your own way, Pisces. You have more to offer and achieve than you give yourself credit for.
The first notable cosmic shift occurs on March 2 when Venus goes retrograde in Aries. When direct, our planetary neighbor governs our romantic connections, financial well-being, and self-image. When retrograde, these parts of our lives are liable to go topsy-turvy. Miscommunications and lovers’ quarrels increase in frequency or severity. Reckless financial decisions become more tempting. And, of course, our connection to our self destabilizes, resulting in greater insecurity and self-doubt. Simply put, this is an emotionally raw celestial period. For someone as prone to emotional sensitivity as you, this retrograde will be especially difficult. Guard your heart closely, and be careful of how you spend your personal resources.
A conjunction between Neptune and Mercury coincides with Venus’ shift into retrograde. This cosmic alignment can work for or against you, depending on how you wield this energy. On the one hand, Neptune and Mercury’s combined forces fortify imagination, strengthen creativity, and open your heart to more passionate romance. However, this faraway blue planet also makes it difficult to know when to stop dreaming and start paying attention to reality. There is a fine line between looking for the best in any situation or person and willingly allowing yourself to don rose-colored glasses. The cosmos are adding enough chaos to the atmosphere as is. Don’t add to your stress by letting your emotions get the best of you, Pisces.
Tensions increase around March 7 as the waxing gibbous Moon forms a challenging square with your ruling planet. Fortunately, this is a short-lived bump in the road. By March 9, Neptune and the Moon create a far more auspicious trine with one another. As the lunar phase calls you to assess your progress on your life path thus far, Neptune reminds you that you shouldn’t have to settle for an ordinary life. There’s no harm in having lofty aspirations, stargazer. If you reach your goals, fantastic! But even if you don’t, you will have learned countless invaluable lessons along the way. In either case, you end up further ahead than when you started. So, why not try?
March 14 will be a particularly potent day in the cosmos as the full Moon reaches its peak strength in Virgo. This lunar event also ushers in the first of two lunar eclipses we’ll experience this year. Lunar eclipses exacerbate the already powerful energy of the full Moon. They often signal endings, closure, and finality. Now would be an ideal time to tie up loose ends and commit to saying goodbye to behaviors, relationships, ideas, or goals that no longer serve you the way they once did. Based on a direct opposition between this full Moon and Neptune, the stars indicate that this process will be easier said than done. Relying on trusted loved ones can help you separate fact from fiction more honestly. Objectivity is the name of the game here.
As if a lunar eclipse directly opposing your ruling planet wasn’t enough of a one-two punch from the stars, Mercury retrograde shifts into its backward motion the following day on March 15. This planetary retrograde is one of the most infamous in our astrological realm due to its highly tangible effects on our daily lives. Under the influence of Mercury retrograde, communication pathways are more likely to break down, technology is more likely to fail, and efforts to expand—whether physically through travel or mentally through education—will stall. This can be a particularly frustrating time. But it can also help lead you to revelations you might not have discovered otherwise. After all, it’s far easier to troubleshoot while the trouble is actively taking place.
The Sun’s transition into Aries on March 20 marks the start of a new Zodiac cycle. The day before, this ego-driven celestial body forms a brief but potent conjunction with your ruling planet. This cosmic sequence suggests a solidifying of your feelings toward others and an increased awareness in the power dynamics of relationships. Navigating interpersonal connections becomes much simpler when we acknowledge our roles in a specific bond. That way, you know which responsibilities are yours to take and which are theirs. Allow Aries’ spirit to guide and empower you during this time.
The waning crescent Moon becomes a prominent player in your forecast around March 24 when it forms a favorable sextile with Neptune. Two days later, it transitions into your celestial domain. This lunar phase calls us to rest, recharge, and recalibrate. Its positive connection to your ruling planet pushes you to take some downtime to let your creative juices flow. Indeed, pursuing your joy can become nearly impossible when struggling under the weight of burnout. Give yourself room to experiment and have fun, Pisces.
The month ends with a new Moon in Aries coinciding with a solar eclipse. In contrast to the lunar eclipse, like the one we experienced earlier in the month, solar eclipses tend to signal new beginnings and fresh starts. If the lunar eclipse on March 14 was the closing of one chapter, then the solar eclipse on March 29 is the beginning of a new one. The stars encourage you to keep an open mind and heart while you venture into this new era of your life. Your ruling planet ends the month in Aries in conjunction with Mercury. This final alignment in March implores you to go after what fulfills your soul. Your happiness deserves to be fought for, stargazer.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Pisces! See you next month.
The post Pisces, March 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope appeared first on VICE.