Even though some of my best gaming memories came from Destiny, I never played the game with a full group of friends. After excitedly purchasing the Destiny 2 Forspoken Collection for my Xbox One, only to have that content ripped away from me, I decided to step away from the franchise for a while. After picking up the latest DLC packs on a major sale, I decided to step back into the world and see what I missed. But this time, I brought a few familiar faces with me for the ride, and I can officially see why people love this game the way that they do.
‘Destiny 2’ Is Okay by Yourself, but With a Group of Friends? It’s One of the Best Experiences You Can Have
My Destiny experience was a lonely one. I played through Halo with a group of friends back in the way when it first came out. And when Bungie left the franchise to work on something new, I was there on Day One. And even after exploring all of the content in the original Destiny, I was still having a blast. But after the release of Destiny 2, the lack of companionship was felt more than ever. Destiny 2 feels like a much more social game than the original Destiny, and a solo Guardian was a lonesome one.
That’s why, after the most recent sale, a few of my friends decided to check it back out once again. And I’m glad that I finally had the chance to experience Destiny 2 as it was meant to be experienced. Because the difference is completely night and day. While Destiny 2 can be an okay game to experience on your own, having a dedicated group of friends that can join you on Strikes and missions makes everything much more alive. I tried running Strikes with random players. And it’s very unforgiving, to say the least. You’ve got players that have run these routes hundreds of times before, leaving you in the dust and scrounging to even get a few kills.
But with friends? It’s so much more relaxed. Even playing through The Witch Queen or the much-maligned Lightfall is so much more fun with a few pals. Finding ways to make the boring story of Lightfall much more entertaining while screaming about being Spider-Man once Strand powers have been unlocked is a blast. Shooting through waves of enemies is a treat. It’s just a completely different game with a squad.
Getting Into ‘Destiny 2’ This Late Means We Have a Lot of Content To Explore
I already know I’m getting into Destiny 2 very late in the game. There’s been an absolutely astonishing amount of content that I’ve missed out on up to this point. Weapons and armor that I may never be able to get. And that’s completely fine. I’m not here for the Meta, to be honest. I’m just here to have some fun with my friends and explore the vast worlds ahead of us.
There’s really nothing like Destiny 2. It’s a beautiful game. One that gives players a chance to meet new friends, explore new planets and locations, and has lore that goes beyond ages. And now that I’ve finally gotten a chance to experience the game as it was originally intended? I finally understand why the fanbase is as dedicated as it is.
The post ‘Destiny 2’ Is So Much More Fun With Friends, Even if I Don’t Have the Meta Down Pat Just Yet appeared first on VICE.