After stumbling upon FlyKnight what feels like ages ago, this dungeon-crawler with Runescape looks and soulslike spirit slipped off of my radar for far too long. However, after finally putting up a page on Steam and releasing the game to overwhelmingly positive reviews, I’ve decided it’s time to dive in. Hard as hell, beautiful as sin, and just an all-around vibefest, Flyknight is one of those games that is bound to become a classic. Plus, it’s got fishing and multiplayer, so it’s a major win in my book.
Dungeon Crawling as a Bug Sounds Terrifying, but ‘Flyknight’ Makes It Cool as Hell
Remember the classic The Simpsons episode that spoofed the horror film The Fly? The one where Bart gets turned into a half-fly, half-boy hybrid? Welcome to the main character of FlyKnight, and you better get used to it quickly. Not only are you a massive bug person yourself, but all of your enemies are creepy crawlies. Using a unique limb-based combat system that lets me chop off arms and legs, though? Brilliant, absolute genius-level stuff from Wabbaboy, the solo developer of this experience.
At first glance, you may think that this is some sort of Runescape spinoff or something like that. While the art style is very reminiscent of the classic MMO, the gameplay is more akin to Kings Field or Dark Souls. Combat is intense and surprisingly strategic. One little tip; even if you knock someone’s block off, there’s a good chance that they’re going to keep swinging for a little while. I learned that the hard way. Plus, there are multiple weapons I could use, spells, fishing; a little bit of everything. It’s weirdly cozy, and I do love a cozy game or two.
Plus, it has a fully-fledged multiplayer option. I can gather up the rest of the crew and dungeon-crawl as a creepy crawly? With its soulslike combat, this has to be one of the best games ever created. Seriously, it’s incredibly polished and immensely fun, and the dev is already cooking up ideas for a potential sequel. I’ll be on board day one instead of a few days later for more FlyKnight action.
Plus, I’m already dreaming of all of the terrible bug puns I can think of when I play with my pals. They’re going to wish I would just buzz off by the time we’re done with a session.
The post With ‘Runescape’ Looks and Soulslike Vibes, ‘FlyKnight’ May Be My New Multiplayer Muse appeared first on VICE.