Unfortunately, we’re at the time in our lives where we can consider the PlayStation 3 to be a Retro System. I need to take my multivitamin and drink my Miralax before I keep on typing about this, don’t I? I remember when the PlayStation 3 was first announced, with promises of Giant Enemy Crabs and a massive price tag that still makes my eyes water thinking about it. But all these years later, Sony has done a great job of recovering, and that’s why our Waypoint Wishlist for this week is going to focus on the Cell Processor-powered console that gave us so many great games. At least, after the launch
This Waypoint Wishlist Starts With One Thing; Games
Matt Vatankhah – Contributor
The PlayStation 3 had its fair share of classics. Your Uncharteds, your Jak Collections, your Rachets. Most of which have gotten some remaster love in recent years. But one game, contentious for its time and still to this day, deserves its flowers in 2025. That’s right, I actually liked Final Fantasy XIII, and I’m not sorry.
Was it linear as hell? Sure. Is its convoluted story something I still don’t understand to this day? Hell yeah. And I don’t care. Final Fantasy XIII has one of my favorite battle systems in the series, an unforgettable soundtrack, and the gorgeous world of Gran Pulse. Bring it back, baby.
Anthony Franklin II – contributor
I need one thing from Sony that I know deep down in my heart, I need the Resistance series back. Remaster the whole damn thing and drop it on the 5 and you will have my money. I’ve long given up on Killzone ever coming back. But don’t hurt me with Resistance the way you did with that. Outside of blasting Chimera, I think I’m just holding out hope for that Metal Gear Solid 4 remaster. Beyond that, I think I’m good. As I’m writing this, I’m realizing that a good number of the heavy hitters have already seen remasters. Weird.
Dwayne Jenkins – Managing Editor
Y’all want a blast from the PS3’s past? I distinctly remember playing as a gruff Beagle I affectionately named Big Beagle (after Big Boss). Why? Because from the moment he stepped foot in that concrete jungle, he was fighting for his goddamn life. Harsh weather, a lack of rations, beasts that were at least triple his size. Nearly dying of starvation from a prolonged food drought, Big Beagle found the only animal he could fight if he wanted a snowball’s chance in hell at survival. A hippo. Big Beagle perished in the ensuing scuffle, but I never forgot him or his journey. What game am I referring to? Tokyo Jungle, baby.
If I’m not mistaken, you could only purchase and play that game digitally. I don’t even know if there’s a conceivable way to boot it up without going through… unscrupulous means. Tokyo Jungle is a game that would make everyone upset because dogs, cats, and other adorable critters and creatures can meet their end in visceral ways. But, nothing has matched the desperate survival vibes quite like that PS3 gem. I don’t want a remaster. I want a top-to-bottom AA remake. It’s time. Perhaps I can meet Big Beagle again. And next time? He’ll live.
SHaun Cichacki – COntributor
We’ve seen the PS2 original make its way to the PlayStation 5 as a Classic on the Network, but when are we going to see Siren: Blood Curse finally escape the clutches of the Cell Processor? I’ve always been beyond intrigued to give that game a try, but seeing as the PSN shop for PS3 has long since closed, there isn’t really any way to get my hands on it. I mean, I did try during COVID, and all I got was a ban on my alternate PSN account. Sorry about that one.
But really, we’re in a survival horror renaissance right now; I’d love to finally give Siren: Blood Curse a try. I remember trying the demo for this game and loving how atmospheric and moody it was, and with the power of the PlayStation 5? I can only dream of what this creep-fest would look like now.
And Yet We Wish For More on Another Waypoint Wishlist
Thanks for tuning into another episode of Waypoint Wishlist. With online platforms like GOG working harder to preserve old games like Dino Crisis from being lost to the sands of time, maybe there’s a small chance that publishers will do the same for these forgotten games. Maybe not, but we can always hope, can’t we? As always, thanks for checking in, and keep on being wonderful.
The post Waypoint Wishlist: PlayStation 3 Edition appeared first on VICE.