A Taiwanese plastic surgeon—who may or may not have lost his shit—performed a vasectomy on himself and shared a video of the whole thing on Instagram. Even stranger, he says he did it as a gift to his wife. I guess the jewelry shop was closed.
Dr. Chen Wei-nong’s video went viral and quickly racked up millions of views. He and his wife already had three kids so she put her foot down and declared her birth canal had been through enough trauma. No more. Time for him to shut down those testicles. He figured, hell, he had all the skills of a plastic surgeon—might as well snip his own vas deferens. How thrifty and DIY of him.
The video does sort of function as a step-by-step guide on how to perform your own vasectomy… not that you should do that. Please, God, do not do that. Dr. Chen outlined the 11 steps required to pull off a successful vasectomy—including being sure to administer local anesthesia before you start chopping into your semen tubes.
A procedure he admitted was quite strange to perform on himself…
Surgeon Gives Himself a Vasectomy on Instagram
Dr. Chen said that he conducted the whole operation under the supervision of a urologist, who was presumably holding the camera, which is not the valuable equipment the urologist should have been holding in this scenario but whatever.
In a little bit of “do as I say, not as I do,” Doctor Chen encouraged viewers to seek out a medical professional to perform their vasectomies rather than attempt to do it themselves like they’re trying to defuse a bomb in their groin.
If you’re wondering about the legality of all of this, the local Department of Health looked into this whole escapade and somehow came to the conclusion that no laws were broken, which seems a little broken in and of itself.
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