Less than a week after Meghan Markle launched her new Instagram account, she used it to share news about a recent loss. On Tuesday, she announced the death of Guy, the rescue beagle she has owned for nearly a decade, in a long caption. “Thank you for so many years of unconditional love, my sweet Guy,” she wrote. “You filled my life in ways you’ll never know.”
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Alongside a video that showed Guy at various stages in his life, she explained how she came to own the dog. “In 2015, I adopted a beagle from a dog rescue in Canada. He had been at a kill shelter in Kentucky and given a few days to live. I swooped him up…. and fell in love,” she wrote. “They referred to him as ‘the little guy’ because he was so small and frail, so I named him ‘Guy’. And he was the best guy any girl could have asked for. If you followed me on Instagram back in the day, you saw a lot of him—and on The Tig too. He was with me at Suits, when I got engaged, (and then married), when I became a mom… He was with me for everything: the quiet, the chaos, the calm, the comfort.”
Meghan added that Guy was injured in an accident months before she made her move to the UK, thanking the veterinarian who cared for him while she and Harry were living in Surrey. She also thanked the vets who cared for him in Toronto and the ones who cared for him recently. She said that the upcoming premiere of her show With Love, Meghan on January 15 influenced her decision to share the news publicly.
“Because many of you will now see Guy in this new series, I hope you’ll come to understand why I am so devastated by his loss. I think you may fall a little bit in love too,” she said. “I have cried too many tears to count—the type of tears that make you get in the shower with the absurd hope that the running water on your face will somehow make you not feel them, or pretend they’re not there. But they are. And that’s okay too.”
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