Kim Jong Un is trying his best to expunge any Western influence from North Korea. The influence also extends to foods, including every American’s favorite, the hot dog.
Jong Un has recently been on a tear banning all kinds of delicious treats fearing that they represent values unaligned with the North Korean way of life. But considering the North Korean way of life seems to include a lot of starvation, the bans seem a little counterintuitive. But hey, why feed people when you can ban hot dogs for being too American?
Hot dogs have been gaining traction in the South Korean culinary scene for some time now. The hot dog is a symbol of Westernization to him, so he has decreed that the serving or selling of hot dogs is now classified as an act of treason. Dastardly hot dog eaters or sellers face arrest and potential hard labor service. One thing to keep in mind about this report is that you have to take it with a grain of salt. It originates from The Sun, a tabloid that doesn’t have a ton of credibility.
Hot Dogs Are Now Banned in North Korea
If true, this wouldn’t be the first food Kim Jong Un has banned for being a food eaten by the enemy. Tteokbokki is a delicious South Korean dish made up of rice cake served in a soupy sauce of Korean chili pepper. BANNED. Budae-jjigae, a.k.a. Army Base Stew, is a delicious if extremely unhealthy dish that fuses ramen and kimchi with SPAM and American cheese, among several other ingredients, to create the perfect meal to have after you’ve had a few drinks. BANNED.
In addition to labeling hot dogs as treasonous, there are reports that anyone seeking a divorce in North Korea will be punished with a sentence to a labor camp for one to six months. I speak for all of us at VICE when I say that it is every human’s inalienable right to celebrate their legal separation from their shitty spouse by gorging on hot dogs.
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