A veteran yacht captain named Germain Mari-Olive, whose name suggests he was born to be on yachts in some way or another, must’ve been heartbroken to see one vastly wealthy person after another struggle to keep their wine glasses and champagne bottles upright when out on the choppy seas.
So, he invented the Tulip. The tulip is a champagne bucket and glass holder that has some fancy gyroscopic mechanisms in it. Those mechanisms allow the entire contraption to sway with the waves, ensuring that there are no spills even during the most turbulent conditions.
Who is Buying This $880,000 Gyroscopic Champagne Bucket?
The Tulip is the result of over four years of R&D and it takes at least 800 hours to make one. Why? Because if you’re going to charge rich people an exorbitant sum for a champagne bucket, you need to justify it talking points they repeat to their fellow rich friends in their endless game of oneupmanship.
“See, Lachlan, what did I tell you?! It isn’t spilling a drop!” one of them will boast, highlighting the Tulip’s ability to withstand a 30-degree tilt as the yacht sinks into the beautiful azure waters off Bora Bora.
Just how expensive is the Tulip? Prices range from anywhere between $45,000 US to $880,000. You might think that’s a lot of money to keep your alcoholic beverage stable. But some of you have clearly never spilled your Domaine de l’Arlot all over your floral-print 17th-century French Aubusson rug after your yacht purposely capsizes a ship of migrants… and it shows.
The post A Luxury Item for All of Us: An $880,000 Gyroscopic Champagne Bucket appeared first on VICE.