For hard-working, steadfast, and luxurious Taurus: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of January.
The first month of the year ushers in two significant planetary retrogrades, in addition to several more that are a little less tangible in our day-to-day lives. The strongest retrograde we’ll feel from our Earthly vantage point is Mars retrograde in Leo and Virgo. Like Mercury retrograde, nearby Mars’ backward period tends to bring chaos in the form of inaction. Progress feels stalled out, motivation can decrease, and energy levels, in general, feel lower than usual. Communication isn’t affected in quite the same way as with Mercury retrograde. Nevertheless, slowing down and really thinking before you act can go a long way.
The second notable retrograde is Jupiter retrograde, which spends the first month of the year in Gemini. This faraway planet typically rules over prosperity, good fortune, and expansion. When retrograde, Jupiter forces us to look inward for these treasures of life. Under the influence of this celestial period, it becomes easier to honestly determine what real success looks like to you. You won’t find the answers looking at someone else’s paper, either. This pursuit is entirely unique to your life path, Taurus. Take that for the pure cosmic blessing that it is, and start following your own happiness—not someone else’s.
This emotional connection to your personal investments becomes even stronger when your ruling planet, Venus, enters Pisces on January 3. Venus typically governs romance, finance, and self-esteem. Pisces tends to be extremely sentimental and sensitive, sometimes to the point of self-deprecation. You would be wise to exercise additional caution when approaching matters of the heart or wallet. Follow your emotions to an extent. But don’t let them control you. How you feel on the inside can serve as a useful compass for navigating the outside world without completely misrepresenting it, stargazer.
Another retrograde of note in your celestial forecast is Uranus retrograde, which continues its long trek through your sign this month. Uranus retrograde promotes healthy rebellion, skepticism, and pushing against the status quo. It’s the “when nothing is going right, go left” planet. It’s the “blaze your own trail; don’t wait for someone else to do it for you” planet. While Uranus inherently goes against your desire to maintain a sense of familiarity in most aspects of your life, its headstrong energy pairs nicely with your stubborn attitude. Put a goal in front of you, and you’re liable to make it before anyone else out of sheer determination. On January 7, Uranus is joined by a waxing gibbous Moon.
The waxing gibbous lunar phase encourages analysis of your progress on your life path. Is there anything in your life that needs even minor adjustment, or do you feel comfortable moving forward as is? These occasional check-ups can prevent you from running into even bigger problems down the road. Allow this lunar energy to complement Uranus retrograde’s innovative spirit. Shifting directions mid-journey can be difficult. But it’s certainly not impossible. Again, put that determination and grit to good use, Taurus.
On January 13, the full Moon reaches its peak in Cancer. Full Moons are already incredibly potent celestial events, increasing sensitivity and emotional clarity. Place the Moon in its native Cancer, and its effects grow even stronger. Take some time mid-month to take a deep dive into your feelings. Stop ignoring a nagging voice in the back of your head or a topsy-turvy stomach. The full Moon’s sextile with Uranus retrograde offers some much-needed motivation to push through even the most troublesome emotions. You mustn’t hide particular parts of yourself for others’ benefit, Taurus. You are a package deal. Anyone looking to splice and dice you into something more appealing doesn’t deserve a spot in your life.
The following week will prove to be just as powerful as the previous one. Six days after the Moon reaches its peak, the Sun transits into Aquarius, ushering in an age of creativity, freedom, and rebellion. The Moon in Aquarius places a strong emphasis on individuality and expression. However, a corresponding square between your ruling planet and Saturn suggests obtaining this freedom might be a bit more difficult than you anticipated. Blazing a trail often means you’re walking it alone. As disheartening as that might be at first, keep your eyes locked on the prizes that lie ahead of you. If you held yourself back in order to wait for everyone else to catch up, how far behind might you be today?
On the same day that the Moon enters Aquarius and Venus conjoins with Saturn, January 19, your ruling planet also forms a favorable sextile with Mercury. Sextiles aren’t typically the most action-oriented cosmic aspect, but they provide feel-good vibes to daily life, and sometimes, that’s all we can ask for. Considering Mercury’s influence over communication and education, this positive sextile between these two nearby planets indicates a need to absorb, process, and learn—none of which require immediate action. Focus on taking it all in as opposed to finding ways to improve or tweak things.
The conflict you felt in the middle of January will ease slightly on January 25, when Venus forms an auspicious trine with Mars retrograde. Consider this a cosmic yellow light, forcing you to slow down and take in your surroundings a little more deeply. Instead of trying to find ways to capitalize or improve upon your emotional and financial investments, the stars encourage you to look around and enjoy what’s right in front of you. There will be opportunities to expand and grow soon, Taurus. But what’s the point of any of it if you never take the time to appreciate the work you’ve put in thus far?
We end the first month of January under a new Moon in Aquarius, ushering in a period of radical rejuvenation. Now is the time to get creative with how you care for yourself and others. What makes you happy won’t necessarily bring joy to your neighbor, and that’s something neither party should be ashamed of. The quicker you start tending to individual needs instead of one blanket solution, the quicker your problem-solving processes will go.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Taurus! See you next month.
The post Taurus, January 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope appeared first on VICE.