Despite being a near-gaming masterpiece, Astro Bot is a heartfelt homage to 30 years of PlayStation history. Drumming up modern franchises and IPs not seen since 1996, it clearly shows that there’s still a lot of love for Sony’s iconic catalog.
Earlier this year, Sony leadership claimed not to have enough original IP. Sony’s Studio Business Group CEO, Herman Hulst, may think otherwise. In an interview with Famitsu, Hulst shared his thoughts on PlayStation’s 30-year history and the future of Sony-owned franchises.
Regarding his thoughts on utilizing Sony’s dormant IPs, Hulst doesn’t divulge too much. “Our extensive IP portfolio is an important asset for PlayStation, and as part of our efforts to strengthen our portfolio, we continually explore opportunities to leverage our legacy IP as well as develop new franchises.”
It’s a far cry from confirming a new Jumping Flash!, but it shows that Sony isn’t ignoring their iconic history.
‘Astro Bot’ reminds us why we’ve always loved PlayStation IPs
Over 150 exclusive characters appear in Astro Bot, adding more after each bite-sized content patch release. While not all are specifically Sony-owned IPs, many haven’t seen the light of day since the late 1990s. And with Astro Bot being a commercial success, winning multiple Game of the Year awards, and bringing new players to the PlayStation family, it seems Sony is taking note.
“Since its release, the number of players in the PlayStation community has continued to grow, with 37% of Astro Bot purchasers having either purchased a first-party PlayStation title more than two years ago or purchasing one for the first time.“
“This title, which is packed with 30 years of play history for the PlayStation brand, has sold more than 1.5 million copies in the nine weeks since its release. In addition, compared to other titles, the purchase rate is higher among younger age groups and families, greatly contributing to the expansion of the community.”
We’ve seen countless IPs of old resurrected for the new generation in recent years. While it’s an easy way to wax nostalgic, it’s hard to deny the excitement of reliving your childhood favorites again. Come on, who didn’t go wild when the Okami and Onimusha trailers dropped at this year’s Game Awards? Sony may be brushing the cobwebs off their classic hits before we know it. Crossing my fingers for some Twisted Metal, baby.
The post Following Astro Bot’s Success, Sony May Look Into Reviving Older PlayStation IPs appeared first on VICE.