I fancy myself a curious traveler when it comes to gaming. After all, our mission statement involves uplifting as many high-quality indie titles as possible. So, along my post-Christmas gaming adventures, I couldn’t help but take notice of one title the internet swore was an anime dating sim. MiSide. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t pique my interest. In a way, you played one anime dating sim, you played ’em all. But, MiSide had a weird energy surrounding it. So, being the Curious Chap I am? I downloaded the demo just to see what all the hubbub was about.
…Let me try and explain. So, indeed, MiSide is presented as your run-of-the-mill cutesy anime dating sim. Only, rather than the roster of prospects you’re usually given to attempt to court, there’s only one person here. Her name is Mita! Even the main menu before you officially begin the game is adorable! Mita gives you a wink, and you get a small teaser of all the cute outfits she can wear as you progress. So far, so good! …But, the “dubious anime dating sim” vibe shifts soon after you meet Mita for the first time.
She asks you to help her pick up her clothes and put them away. Okay, cool! Just clicking and dragging, nothing too unusual there. Then, she asks you to get her ingredients so she can make a soup. …Alright! Sure! A little demanding, but it’s nothing crazy. Then, she requests a new television. This requires more work on your part as you play mini-games to earn the money to make the purchase. Easy-peasy! …But, then, things start getting… uncomfortable.
this anime dating sim becomes a thing of horrors and nightmares
…She’s watching me. I can’t tell you but so much from here on out. Uh… so, Mita’s love is all-encompassing. She wants to play games with you! Maybe you two can cook together! Doesn’t that sound great? There’s–there’s even a part where Mita sits you down and teaches you a cool card game!
There’s nothing wrong. I misspoke when I said things became “uncomfortable.” Mita’s more than the average “anime girl-next-door.” She’s with you. Always. Permanently.
The post ‘MiSide’: An Anime “Dating Sim” I Played Because of the Internet — And Now, I Won’t Be Able To Sleep Tonight appeared first on VICE.