Murder hornets have made their way to Europe for the first time ever. Also referred to as southern giant hornets, these insects originate in Asia but have been spotted elsewhere before.
The latest place they’ve swarmed to is Spain, marking the first time the bugs have been seen on the continent. It’s believed that a pair of murder hornets were found on the Iberian Peninsula in 2022, and then again later in 2023. A recent study supported by the Asturias Regional Government and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Confirms that four of these hornets were spotted during its research.
How the hornets made their way to Europe is said to be through cargo as a stowaway, likely from a container that originated in one of the countries it’s frequently spotted. While four bugs may seem like no big deal, the report suggests this could just be the start of a larger problem, noting that it “could have a cumulative effect increasing the environmental, economic, and even public health damage.”
To combat the murder hornets’ arrival, there will be efforts made to eradicate and locate any nests over the next few years.
These insects are dangerous due to increased venom potency compared to everyday hornets. They can grow up to two inches with a three-inch wingspan. The bugs in this particular story, the southern giant hornet, are slightly different than the northern giant hornet and the Asian giant hornet, but they all belong to the same genus and have similar behaviors.
These Asian giant hornets have been spotted in the United States as well as Canada. In 2020, a nest was found in Washington. Just before that, a hornet was spotted north of the border.
As someone who’s already a magnet for any flying insect, I pray that none of these ever show up in New Jersey.
The post Murder Hornets Have Made Their Way to Europe appeared first on VICE.
The post Murder Hornets Have Made Their Way to Europe appeared first on VICE.