Today’s tarot card is the King of Swords, which means you’ll be on a roll when it comes to fixing the little nagging problems in your life. Just like the powerful character in the artwork with his imposing sword and stony throne, you won’t be in the mood for distractions, games, or side quests. Instead, you’ll want to get down to business.
The King of Swords tends to pop up in a tarot reading when you need to be a little more serious, so it could be a sign that the theme of the day will revolve around knocking things off your to-do list — or maybe even taking on a larger project that’s been looming in the background.
To tear a page from TikTok’s scary hour hack, set a timer for 60 minutes and see how much you can accomplish in that timeframe, whether it’s answering stressful emails, making important phone calls, or outlining a plan of action for a bigger goal. There’s a good chance you’ll feel more logical, disciplined, and more laser-focused than you have in a while.
Once you get going, you won’t feel compelled to zone out or scroll on your phone for the rest of the day. The suit of swords is associated with mental clarity, routine, and authority, so you’ll be a force to reckon with in the hours ahead. That 3 p.m. Zoom meeting won’t know what hit it.
Since the King of Swords is about integrity and a sense of order, don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel compelled to fix things that have never felt quite right. Think tying up loose ends in your love life or chatting with a friend about something that’s been weighing heavily on your mind.
This could play out in a number of ways. You might be inspired to call things off with the Hinge match you’ve been stringing along because you know it’s the right thing to do or put up a boundary with a friend who’s been demanding too much of your time or attention.
Today is all about taking charge and getting things done, so ride this wave of motivation and see where it takes you.
The post Tuesday, December 3, 2024: Your Tarot Reading appeared first on Bustle.