Disney+ unveiled its expansion into Japanese unscripted content with Traveling with Snow Man (working title), alongside its launch of new Japanese originals including BULLET/BULLET and CAT’S EYE.
Additionally, Disney+ confirmed that the second season of Japanese live action original Gannibal will premiere on March 19, 2025.
Disney+ said that it will expand into Japanese unscripted content, in collaboration with Nippon TV.
The new partnership will see the launch of Japanese travel reality show, Traveling with Snow Man (working title) in 2025, featuring Japanese pop group Snow Man, who are represented by talent agency Starto Entertainment. The show will follow the J-pop group as they embark on an adventure.
“The new show builds on the growing enthusiasm amongst Japanese audiences towards unscripted content and exemplifies the shared ambitions of Disney, Nippon TV and Starto Entertainment to spotlight the most exciting talent from Japan to global audiences, and to cooperate in new and innovative ways,” Disney+ said in a statement.
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On the anime front, Disney+ unveiled new titles BULLET/BULLET, Disney Twisted-Wonderland The Animation, CAT’S EYE and Medalist.
Set to debut in summer 2025, BULLET/BULLET will be helmed by Jujutsu Kaisen director Sunghoo Park. The series follows a team of thieves for hire who find themselves in a world of trouble after completing their latest job.
Adapted from the game and manga, Disney Twisted-Wonderland The Animation is set in the prestigious Night Raven College, an arcane academy where magic lives in every corner. The series will premiere on Disney+ in 2025.
Based on the original manga series, CAT’S EYE follows three sisters who run a cafe by day and secretly work as art thieves by night. The series will debut on Disney+ in 2025, with Japanese singer Ado presenting a new version of the show’s theme song.
Premiering in January 2025, Medalist follows figure skating coach Tsukasa, a man haunted by his past failures, work tirelessly to mold his latest student into a championship medalist.
Disney+ has also set a release date for the second season of Go! Go! Loser Ranger!. The animated series is set to premiere in April 2025.
The post Disney+ Unveils New Anime Titles, Expansion Into Japanese Unscripted Series; Sets ‘Gannibal’ Season 2 Release Date — Disney APAC Showcase appeared first on Deadline.