Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) assured the National Conservatism conference on Monday that he is a “Christian Nationalist.”
Hawley, an ardent Bible-thumping Catholic who has previously written that “America as we know it cannot survive without biblical Christianity,” reiterated his Christian Nationalist bona fides for the conservative conference.
“Some will say now that I am calling America a Christian Nation. And so I am,” Hawley told the crowd. “And some will say that I am advocating Christian Nationalism. And so I do.”
“Christian nationalism founded American democracy. The Christian political tradition is our political tradition.” the Missouri senator added.
Hawley also railed against the GOP platform, which recently dropped a national abortion ban from its agenda, telling the crowd that “Republicans are threatening to drop from the platform the party’s commitment to life and marriage.”
Hawley and his wife, Erin, who recently argued in front of the Supreme Court to ban the popular abortion pill, mifepristone, are among some of the most virulent anti-abortion voices.
Erin also works under Leonard Leo, president of the Federalist Society and member of Opus Dei, a group within the Catholic Church that believes men should be at the head of the household, government and Church.
Hawley suggested that “we” should “take down the trans flag from all the federal buildings from which it’s flying, and instead, inscribe on every federal building our national motto: In God We Trust?”
The Missouri senator has previously echoed the Heritage Foundation’s President and Project 2025 creator (also Opus Dei), Kevin Roberts’ call for a violent revolution against the ‘godless’ liberal elites.
“Should the authorities break the terms of God’s delegation of governance and assault the people’s freedoms, then the people had a right to defend themselves, even to rebel.” Hawley wrote in his piece for the Christian publication, First Things.
The post MAGA Senator Josh Hawley Advocates for Being a Christian Nationalist appeared first on The Daily Beast.